Code: | Result: |
give weapons | All weapons |
thereisnospoon | Bullet time |
name [enter name here] | Changes your name |
use atst_death | Destroy all AT-STs |
cg_drawgun 1 | Disable weapon models |
cg_drawtimer 0 | Disables the Timer |
cg_drawgun 0 | Enable weapon models |
cg_drawtimer 1 | Enables the Timer |
give batteries | Full battery bar |
give inventory | Full inventory |
setforceall 3 | Gives you all the force powers on a level 3 |
give all | Gives you max weapons, health and shields |
god | God mode |
npc kill all | Kill all NPCs |
control [NPC name] | Lets you control any ally following you |
noclip | No clipping mode, which allows you to float in the air |
setviewpos [x] [y] [z] [yaw] | Places camera at indicated position |
quit | Quit the game without going through the menus |
cg_drawcrosshair 1 | Remove crosshair. (0 to replace) |
where [classname] | Reveals where indicated entity is located |
screenshot | Screenshot w/ console window |
levelshot | Screenshot w/o console window |
spawn [item name] | Spawns given item |
give weaponnum [weapon #] | Spawns given weapon |
kill | Suicide |
force_heal | Uses Force Heal ability |
G_knockback X | X is a number. The higher the number, the further people are knocked back. |